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EDGE Vaping Blogs

  • Should I worry about Fire Risk if I vape indoors?

    Should I worry about Fire Risk if I vape indoors?

    Smoking is the largest cause of domestic fire fatalities. Vaping relies on atomisation rather than combustion, so the level of fire risk from vaping is rare compared to traditional smoking...

    Oliver Norman |

  • Is there a risk from secondhand vaping?

    Is there a risk from secondhand vaping?

    The evidence that secondhand smoke causes harm is well-known. The harmful chemicals produced when cigarettes burn pollute the air and negatively impact not only the health of smokers, but the...

    Oliver Norman |

  • EDGE Toxicology: The Science of Success

    EDGE Toxicology: The Science of Success

    Discover the exciting results of an independent toxicology report that proves EDGE vape liquid is clean and safe beyond all expectations.

    Oliver Norman |

  • How to store e-liquids and preserve flavour

    How to store e-liquids and preserve flavour

    To make sure that your e-liquid stays fresh for longer, it’s important to take the correct precautions to ensure that you preserve and store your vape juice in the best...

    Oliver Norman |

  • Allergy Information for our EDGE E-Liquids

    Allergy Information for our EDGE E-Liquids

    At EDGE we hold your wellbeing in the highest regard, this is why we constantly strive to stay at the top of our game when it comes to safety and...

    Oliver Norman |

  • Why does my clearomizer leak?

    Why does my clearomizer leak?

    Clearomizers - or tanks – can get quite expensive nowadays. And as a result, it can be quite disheartening to notice that yours has started to leak within a short-time...

    Oliver Norman |

  • Why does e-liquid turn brown

    Why does e-liquid turn brown?

    After a while, any e-liquid left in either the bottle, or the e-cigarette tank itself has started to turn brown. But why is this? And more importantly, is it safe...

    Oliver Norman |