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What is an EDGE e-liquid made from?

What is an EDGE e-liquid made from?

Oliver Norman |

Our mission at EDGE is to create the safest e-liquids in the world. The ingredients we use to make our e-liquids are vital to the quality of the finished products. We use four main ingredients* to create our vape liquids; Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerol, Nicotine and Flavourings. We believe that relying on simple, high-quality ingredients from trusted and audited suppliers results in consistently satisfying e-liquids, and we’ve won awards that prove us right. We know it’s important to trust what you inhale and we are committed to company-wide transparency.

A typical EDGE e-liquid is made from roughly 50% Propylene Glycol (PG). This colourless, odourless and tasteless liquid is a perfect carrier agent. Nicotine and Flavourings are suspended in Propylene Glycol because its unique properties help the ingredients blend into a uniform solution and provide users with a consistent vaping experience.

The rest of a typical EDGE e-liquid is made from Vegetable Glycerol (VG). Another colourless liquid, VG is much thicker than PG and is included in vape liquids to create the vapour clouds. Vapers who enjoy creating large clouds often favour High Vegetable Glycerol (HVG) e-liquids. EDGE HVG vape juices are carefully blended for an 80% VG ratio coupled with uncompromising flavours.

Both PG and VG are versatile substances widely used in food and medical products and are regarded as safe by US and European standards agencies. At EDGE we source our PG and VG from trusted suppliers within the UK.

Nicotine is the active ingredient in vape juices. Our Swiss Nicotine is suspended in PG so that users receive an even dose every time they vape. This also gives EDGE control over the Nicotine concentration in our e-liquids. While this can lead to slight variations in the 50:50 ratio of PG and VG in our standard e-liquids, it also lets us create vape liquid blends with strengths between 18mg and 0mg. This gives vapers an option to step-down their nicotine intake gradually if they want to. 

Finally, e-liquid Flavourings make the vaping journey more individual and enjoyable. Highly concentrated ingredients are carefully selected and suspended in, or combined with, PG to create the best possible flavour experience in every e-liquid. All of EDGE’s food-grade Flavourings are sourced from the UK with full traceability and are subject to internal auditing and quality checks as well as those carried out by our suppliers.

Whether you’re buying free-pour e-liquids for your PRO or pods for your GO, you can rely on all EDGE e-liquids to be a perfect blend of these four main ingredients* with no artificial colourings or unnecessary chemicals. Our commitment to safety and quality is present in everything we create and this has been recognised in the awards our e-liquids have won. We source all our ingredients from trusted suppliers who are thoroughly audited, including on-site visits, and test them with our own internal quality systems as well. We only accept ingredients that allow us to continue our mission of making the safest e-liquids in the world.

* Individual ingredients in flavourings may vary

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