What is an atomizer?
It’s easy to get lost when you’re new to the world of vaping... for instance, how is the average Joe supposed to know the difference between a clearomizer and a cartomizer? It is, however, a good idea to learn some of the lingo associated with vaping, as it can ultimately help you to edge closer towards that perfect vaping experience.
So how does an e-cig actually work?
In simple terms, an electronic cigarette is simply a device for changing the physical state of e-liquid into a gas by evaporation, which can then be inhaled. Of course, between dripping, coils and tanks, it can be a little more complicated once you delve beneath the surface.
What is an atomizer and how does it work?
In the greater scheme of life, atomisation is the process of turning a liquid into a spray – from household cleaning products, to perfumes and spray bottles, atomizers are everywhere. In the world of e-cigs, the atomizer is the device that uses power from the battery to heat a small coil that evaporates the surrounding e-liquid into a vapour.
So what does the coil do?
A coil is the key component of an atomizer and contains a substance referred to as ‘polyfill’, which absorbs e-liquid from the tank of the e-cigarette through a small submerged wick. The polyfill itself comes into direct contact with a red-hot filament inside the coil and a vapour is produced that can then be inhaled. The coil itself has a shelf life of between 1-2 weeks, as the polyfill loses its absorbency (depending on usage) and needs to be replaced. Luckily, they are very cheap and easy to change out.
Do I have to change the atomizer often?
A good-quality atomizer will last several years without showing a decrease in performance as long as it is used alongside good quality e-liquids; and as long as the coil is changed regularly, the atomizer should continue to perform as well as it did when it was new.