How to Use Ordering Platform

Welcome to the EDGE & North Yorkshire Council product ordering portal

The EDGE ordering portal allows you to place your cessation order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It has been designed to be user-friendly


Add Product to Basket

  • Select the Advisor Recommended Starter Bundle Via the Starter Kits in site navigation
    Choose the flavours to go with the starter kit. (Device is already pre populated)
    When happy with flavours chosen click ‘adds to cart’

Check Out / Basket

You can navigate to basket at any point to review the order

Create an Account / Log In

On hitting CHECK OUT you are presented with the option to Sign in’ or ‘Create Account’.
All customers are required to create an account to place an order.

Apply Discount

To redeem a discount code, simply place the given code in the empty discount field and hit ‘Apply’.
If the code is valid, then pricing will change to show a value of £0.00
Codes are restricted to one use only – so they cant be passed to others

Complete Order

On placing a successful order you will be presented with an order confirmation message which the details of are also emailed to you